LFD and m-e-s

Mike and eleven in this picture look puzzled or frustrated
You could also see that eleven is wearing hair and makeup
To cover up her true self because they believe she will be
Treated like a freak. The expression on their face is a
Mixture or sad and angry.they are in the school surrounded
By students like they got into a fight. The props used in this
Scene was the wig eleven was wearing. The positioning of
The photo is a sort of closeup and its light everywhere
The costumes are a dress which may be considered nice because
Its Nancy's and casual clothes from mike

This picture of will is set near a forest in the middle of the
Night.no hair and makeup the expression on his face is scared
And freaked out . The props in this scene is the bike. The camera
Angle is a mid shot . There is no natural light except the one coming
From his bike which creates a scary mood.his outfit is
Casual wear

In this image of Dustin And Lucas their hair is geeky.
Lucas looks a bit frustrated while dusting try's to calm
Him down. The place this shot is taken was on a rail track
In the forest so they may get angry because of the trip
Or misdirection. Props hat railway. The shot type is
A two shot as you can see they are looking at each other
Discussing . There's natural light may suggest to dangerous
At night they are wearing outfits considered not cool and

In this image Lund looks like she's standing off against someone
.Theres is no natural light except the light reflecting of her face.
She looks very bold in this image. This image is a close up
But the focus is mainly on the gun and he face is a bit blurred
And pushed back a bit. She's wearing a police outfit shows authority.
She's wearing next to no makeup and her hair is tied back which
Shows that she's tidy. her facial expressions show that she is
A bit weary over holding the gun. It is unclear where she is
Which shows the aspect of mystery. The probs are the gun and
The uniform.

In this image you can see leant brix is looking very confident.
His hair is brown and grey which could suggest he's in his 40s
 And no makeup. His facial expression is bland with a hint of
A smile. It's unclear where he is and I can see no props. I
Consider his shot a close up and the light around him is
Fairly dim except on his face. He is wearing a smart
Shirt which suggests he's wearing a suit which means
He's important.


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