opening sequnece (m-e-s)

guardians of the galaxy vol 2
in opening sequence you see the main protagonist fighting an evil monster while baby root dances around in the background.  the positioning of the camera throughout the opening sequence is from a far and using a shallow focus as your attention is mainly focusing on groot. the lighting in the scenes were really bright and it has a glow to show the object they are working around is not a normal thing. the acting in this scene was quite serious at some points where as the small character you focus on is messing around. the costumes are quite unique as there group is quite diverse and they are meant to be from different planets or mutated. the facial expressions are focused in their work except for groot who's dancing happily. the setting was really vibrant and the background goes into extreme detail.
I think there is one title which appears in the opening scene.
The Dark Knight

in the opening sequence you see a robbery of some sort and it ends with the joker placing a gas grenade in someone's mouth which is attached to a bus in the side of the building he then drives of and the pin is pulled gasing the person. the positioning  of the camera in this is from kind of first person shot from the man on the floor and composed by some close ups and some two shots. the lighting in the scene mainly comes from the outside and the windows which makes the room quite dark. the acting in this scene was really good as the way he managed to pull of the psychopathic character was really good were as the guy on the floor didn't really do much. the facial expressions in this scene were extreme as the glances coming of the main antagonist were all different and creepy which helped play the part. the setting in the opening sequence was quite bland as it was just a building so there wasn't nothing to distract you from the main thing which was going on. I didn't see any titles in this opening scene.
I’m the opening scene you see Hanna hunting a reindeer and her chasing after it only to shoot it once it fell to the floor from an arrow shot. The positioning consists of  full shots and some establishing shots. The lighting is bright and natural reflecting of the snow . The  acting is ok even though you don’t hear much words you would just think she’s just an ordinary hunter. Her facial expression are still like she’s showing no emotion or regret for what she just did. It was set in the artic or Antarctica for the opening scene. The setting was in a mystery building but also in a bathroom. I saw no titles 

Casino Royale
In the opening seen you are seeing a fight seen which I assume it’s a flashback but you can also see him talking to this man. The positioning of the camera it does shot reverse shot but it also has a mid shot and a two shot. The lighting I hard to see clearly as the seen is in black and white but the fight seen was definitely brighter than when they were just talking. The acting. Is very on point as he goes for the serious type which likes to get the job done which is achieved well. His facial expression where still which shows he’s keeping it professional. The setting is in a mysterious building but also a bathroom. I saw no titles in this scene.

The sixth sense


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