
Showing posts from September, 2017

opening sequences and editing

J-cut-as he’s walking up the boat their scene starts playing before he reaches the top Shot reverse shot-the magic guy and the audience Jump cut-him up the stairs L-cut as he’s walking away you can hear the guy shouting him These are used to create the genre as they can be mysterious and they show some action movie hints as the robbery gives it away i think this clip follows the enigma code the reason for this is that you don't know much of what he is doing or going to do as we don't find out much in the scene.

Continuity ( not done )

Continuity The continuity rules are in are costumes however the rules where broken when it games to props different locations Continuity is important because it makes things more real otherwise the effect isn't as great for example a guy with one eye patch on which switches through tout the movie or series. To be honest this messes up the whole thing if you notice it and it can cause a show to not be that good. However continuity can be broken when it comes to comedy's as it could be a jokey way but definitely not in a drama series as it just drains the mood


 WWW. This image was made using the computer and what I like about it is that it looks like it's coming out of the box that it is put in but from the title you can kind off see blood which tells you a bit about what its about/ EBI bland and boring WWW. Bold stands out the background brings out the red EBI. The writing doesn't seem as dark as it should be as this is about a massacre WWW The writing is red which can suggest it was written in blood EBI writing is hard to see WWW The knifes does resemble violence which is what I'm trying to Accomplish and the reflectance of the material it's on Makes it stand out EBI ran out of knife so I should of Made sure there was enough Www Effort went into this to make it look like graffiti with gloves To show cover up of evidence EBI wrong colour and lack of material prevented more details


Under lighting The lighting makes me look unnatural and creepy. This type of image lighting can be used By a evil character or monster. Side light This lighting make people focus on one part of my face But can be seen as someone who is only being half clear and hides Another side to their personality. Back lighting This image can be used in two ways as it casts a shadow over your body but is meant to outline you but this photo could be used as A figure standing at a far side of the room. Edge light In this image you can see only a part of my head is in shadow Which could mean that this image can be used to cover up a Specific feature. Front light Minimum to no shadows could be used to show a characters Innocence as nothing of theirs is hiding in the shadows.  Beauty light In this image it wasn't the best but you can see highlight of The cheek bones but this light could be used in a romance movie To show the beauty of a pers

LFD and m-e-s

Mike and eleven in this picture look puzzled or frustrated You could also see that eleven is wearing hair and makeup To cover up her true self because they believe she will be Treated like a freak. The expression on their face is a Mixture or sad and angry.they are in the school surrounded By students like they got into a fight. The props used in this Scene was the wig eleven was wearing. The positioning of The photo is a sort of closeup and its light everywhere The costumes are a dress which may be considered nice because Its Nancy's and casual clothes from mike This picture of will is set near a forest in the middle of the hair and makeup the expression on his face is scared And freaked out . The props in this scene is the bike. The camera Angle is a mid shot . There is no natural light except the one coming From his bike which creates a scary mood.his outfit is Casual wear In this image of Dustin And Lucas their hair is geeky. Lucas looks a bit

Halls reception theory

How a person responds to a message in either the text in a book or scenes in a tv and movies  Encoding: how the creator makes the message and creates the correct representation through spoken clues or non spoken clues such as actions   Decoding:how the reader/watcher interprets the message from the clues in it  Dominant reading:the reader fully shares the texts code Negotiated reading: the reader partly agrees with the preferred reading but sometimes changes in a way based on experience and interests Oppositional reading: social situation places them in an oppositional relation understands the preferred reading but does not share the texts code but rejects this reading (alternative frame of reference ) like feminism or politics Message is interpreted depending on the reader/watcher cultural background point of view is based on dominant negotiated oppositional reading . Reader bases meaning on own experience 

différent locations creating genre

I choose the images of the office for the spy film genre as in this shot you can See different draws and locked place which means there are a lot of files hidden which can be found. In this image i thought it represented the genre of action as in the location you can see storage crates which i thought was a great location For someone to be kept in after being kidnapped. In this image it represents a psychological thriller you can see this in the image as the forest is a great place where people are Followed. Also a place were people go a bit mad trying to find a way out so i thought it was a great place for the genre In this image i thought it represented a crime genre this is because many criminals tend to Dispose all evidence where ever they can. I thought that it was a good place as it seems there is a lot you Can see so a lot of evidence. The last image i took i thought represented The horror genre. The reason for this i

opening sequences and representation

Costumes This costume the character wearing Clearly looks like an authority figure Outfit which shows that in this situation He has some power of sort In this still you can see that her costume is Bright red this could suggest her character Is some sort of criminal as red is associated With blood but also she's wearing a mask Which conceals her face which means She's not doing what the law sees as a Right thing In this image you can see a similarity to the last One but the colour is different this could mean Many different things from background to Personality but the thing what does stand Out is the bow and arrow which is old But when used in offence its quiet Makeup In this image you can see that her hair and Make up makes her look more innocent She also looks young in this photo what is another Way to say she's innocent In this image you can see that her hair and Makeup makes her look crazy and unstable This is because t

opening sequences and m-e-s

baby driver  1. positioning The positioning is used to construct the sub-genre as the camera had to be close enough to the car to see its intense moves but the camera angle was needed as if it was just one long shot of the car driving off there would be no suspense of the chase which may have change the genre of the film. The lighting was used to construct the sub genre as you needed it to be day in order to show the intense chase in more detail. This helped better than a nigh time clip as you cant see much of what is going on plus you need to focus on everything in the scene to understand it all so natural daylight was much needed. 3.acting The acting was used to construct the sub genre. This was because how well the actors performed because of the way they acted it really brought the genre to life and within the opening scenes you can clearly tell what the genre is. 4.costume the outfits the actors were wearing made the clip feel more verisimilitude this is bec


Establishing shot  Its effective because you can see the whole surroundings in more detail. This can be used as a setting for a romance movie as you got all the vibrant colours which stand out   Point of view shot This shot isn't as effective as  I thought  It would be as  it isn't clear that the child in the picture is looking at however  it would be  More effective if  I had more people which could   make it better .this could be used  In a drama as it could be seen as  an intense  Moment  Close up  This image is effective in a way in  Displaying a sci-fi genre as you  can See that the animal in the picture  Looks like a monster  and by the Close up you can see what he looks  Like in a bit more detail .

genre and cinematography

 different shot types from different genres romance this shot shows romance it reflects this genre as you can see she has made a heart with her hand and looking through it. from the extreme close up its easier to focus on those features. this shot reflects this genre well as you can clearly see what she's trying to show. however we could have just used facial features to make it clear with out an extra clues which would make it much better spy This genre is meant to show spy genre it reflects this genre in somewhat as you can see from the long shot and crab shot that the spy is mostly unseen by the camera looking through the lazerbeams. horror this shot was meant to show the horror genre and it reflects it well because of the the way the camera is positioned in a high angle. this is because it gives you the aspect of the unknown. this shot did well because of the way that we could cover up the person and place him in the middle of a wooded area to match the

shot types


characters in long form dramas


summer homework

Steve Neale – genre A) Steve Neale is saying that media texts (film in this case) (genre) are constructed through stereotypes and conventions which they must include enough of that stereotypes and conventions to be classed under that genre B) Audience respond to the media text (film) differently depending on each genre C) “Genres are instances of repetition and difference” Stranger things series 1 episode 1 synopsis Lab assistant is killed by an unknown creature which escaped from its cell A group of friends (will, mike, Dustin and Lucas) game is cut short by their mum when they are told to go home while racing will separate from the others. When cycling next to the laboratory he feels like he’s being followed he sees a figure which causes him to swerve of the road into the dirt and fall of his bike the mysterious figure which follows him home continues to follow the boy then takes him Wills mum (Joyce) contacts the police discovering her son if missing Lab is being sealed of